17th Trends in Classics - Titles

Department of Comparative Literature, Harvard University
Department of Classics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

17th Trends in Classics International Conference

Parentheses of Reception

Thessaloniki, June 1-3, 2023 

Conference Venue
Auditorium I
Aristotle University, Research Dissemination Center
September 3rd Avenue, University Campus

Speakers and Titles

  1. Stella Alekou (University of Ioannina)-‘Rethinking Ovidian Womanhood in Carol Ann Duffy’s The World’s Wife
  2. Richard H. Armstrong (University of Houston)-‘Translating for the Dead: Love, Loss, and Learning in Moshe Ha-Elion’s Homeric Translations into Ladino’
  3. Felix Christen (Universität Heidelberg)-‘Artemidorus and the Question of Method in Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams
  4. Michalis Chrysanthopoulos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)-‘The Unpublished Flirt with Antiquity, a Parenthesis in C. P. Cavafy's Early Poetical Work’
  5. Mark-Georg Dehrmann (Humboldt Universität Berlin)-‘Classic Philological Theory and the Figure of Parenthesis (Schlegel, Boeckh, Schleiermacher)’
  6. Therese Fuhrer (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)-‘Filling Narrative Gaps in (Ps-)Senecan Tragedy’
  7. Eckart Goebel (Universität Tübingen)-‘Three Witches–Three Unities:
    Aristotle in Macbeth’
  8. Constanze Güthenke (University of Oxford)-‘Scholarship as Parenthetic Form’
  9. John T. Hamilton (Harvard University)-‘A Part Apart: Niobe in Günter Grass' The Tin Drum
  10. Stephen Harrison (University of Oxford)-‘Inside and Outside: David Hadbawnik’s Translation of Vergil’s Aeneid’
  11. Brooke Holmes (Princeton University)-‘Parentheses, Rings, and Cosmological Experimentation: From Cy Twombly’s Fifty Days at Iliam to a History of Sympathy’
  12. Christoph Horn (Universität Bonn)-‘The Parenthetical Presence of Ancient Ethics in Modern Moral Philosophy’
  13. Richard Hunter (University of Cambridge)-‘Roman Comedy and (Greek) Comedy’
  14. Miriam Leonard (University College London)-‘Antiquity “in/to the side of” Revolution’
  15. Alexandra Lianeri (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)-‘Parentheses of Time: Antiquity’s Disconnective Futures’
  16. Michael Lüthy (Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart)-‘Fragment-Bodies: Rodin's and Rilke's Torsos’
  17. Daniel Orrells (King’s College London)-'Illustration in and to the side of Eighteenth-Century Antiquarianism'
  18. James Porter (University of California, Berkeley)-‘Rachel Bespaloff Reads (Homer)’
  19. Karin Schlapbach (University of Fribourg)-‘(In)validating Parentheses in the Song of the Parcae (Catullus 64)’
  20. Evina Sistakou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)-‘The Classics in Viennese Modernity: A Hesiodic Parenthesis in Gustav Klimt’s Beethoven Frieze
  21. Richard Thomas (Harvard University)-‘Lyric Parentheses, Horace to Dylan’
  22. Thomas Tsartsidis (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München/Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)-‘Negotiating Roman Identity in Prudentius: Inclusion and Exclusion of Traditional Roman Norms’
  23. Martin Vöhler (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)-‘Embracing Antiquity: Brecht's Antigonemodell 1948
  24. Antje Wessels (University of Leiden)-‘Catullus & Calvus on How to Write a Poem-Catull. 51 as Parenthesis and Paratext’
  25. Martin M. Winkler (George Mason University)-‘Narrative and Parenthesis: From Homeric Simile to Cinematic Flashback’ 
  26. Christopher Wood (New York University)-‘Reversible Nestings of the Mythic and the Real (Velázquez, The Drinkers)’
