17th Trends in Classics - Description

Department of Comparative Literature, Harvard University
Department of Classics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

17th Trends in Classics International Conference

Parentheses of Reception

Thessaloniki, June 1-3, 2023 

Conference Venue
Auditorium I
Aristotle University, Research Dissemination Center
September 3rd Avenue, University Campus


The rhetorical figure of the parenthesis will be employed as a means of exploring historical and theoretical approaches to reception studies, where antiquity is considered as simultaneously "in" (en-) and "to the side of" (para-) the modern work. As in a parenthetical statement, the ancient source could be said to be a part of and apart from the modern version.

In this conference we would like to consider the theoretical aspects of parenthesis and its consequences for the understanding of the reception of Graeco-Roman literature in antiquity and modern times.

The papers may explore the following questions:

  • How does the tension between inside and outside motivate or challenge tradition?
  • What strategies of inclusion and exclusion are at work, and how might they be evaluated?
  • What are the theoretical implications of considering the received past as both inserted into the present while remaining somehow apart from the present?

Since the topic is multifaceted and interdisciplinary, we invite scholars from Classical Studies and other fields such as philosophy and aesthetics, modern and comparative literature and cultural studies to address all aspects of parenthetical reception of antiquity in theory and in specific literary texts or other artistic media.

Organizing Committee:

John T. Hamilton, Harvard University
Martin Vöhler, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Evina Sistakou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Antonios Rengakos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki & Academy of Athens
Stavros Frangoulidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

For further information, please contact:
Evina Sistakou (sistakou@lit.auth.gr)

The organizers would like to acknowledge the kind and generous support of:  
