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2nd Announcement and Call for Papers

Dear Colleague,

The Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, is pleased to announce that its 30th Annual Meeting will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece, on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd, May 2009 and is dedicated to the great Greek linguist M. Triandaphyllidis on the 50th anniversary of his death. The 30th meeting will be focused on three major areas:
1. the history of the Greek language,
2. Greek language and education,
3. current linguistic theories and the Modern Greek.

Κeynote speakers will be:
Vit Bubenik (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)
Suzanne Romaine (University of Oxford, UK)
Dimitra Theophanopoulou-Kontou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

Interested colleagues are hereby invited to submit abstracts of papers (20 min presentation, 10 min discussion) relating to the meeting’s theme. Abstracts should be submitted in three (3) copies, exclusively via surface mail, by February 9th, 2009. Notifications will be sent by February 28th, 2009.

The Meeting’s Program Committee comprises all faculty members of the Department of Linguistics, who will also select the papers to be included in the Proceedings volume.

Please note that at most 40 papers will be accepted for presentation, and that each participant will be entitled to only one (single or joint) presentation. Information on your telephone/fax number, as well as on your e-mail address, is required on the participation form.

The Organizing Committee,

Chr. Tzitzilis (Professor), Chair,
Th.-S. Pavlidou (Professor),
G. Papanastasiou (Ass. Professor)


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