Noussia Maria

Assistant Professor
+30 2310 997845
203 n.b.
Ώρες Συνεργασίας: 
on sabbatical leave

Maria Noussia holds a Ph.D. from the University of London (June 1999). She has done graduate studies (M.A. and Ph.D.) at the University College London (UCL) and at the University of Florence.

She was a postdoctoral fellow at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2001-2002 (National Merit Scholarship of Greece), Junior Fellow at the Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies in 2007-2008, Margo Tytus Fellow at the University of Cincinnati in the Fall quarter of 2010, Research Fellow at the University of Princeton in 2015, and she has been awarded research grants from the A.G. Leventis Foundation, Paris (2000-2001), the Georgetown University (2009) and the Italian Ministry of Education and Research (2003-2007).

She has taught Classical Philology at the Universities of Columbia, Connecticut and Georgetown University (2008-2011) and at the University of Chieti-Pescara (2003-2007). She is Senior Lecturer (Permanent Assistant Professor) of ancient Greek Philology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki where she teaches since 2012.

Her research interests include Lyric poetry; Homer and the Greek epic (the history of the text of Homer; the reception of the Epic Cycle; transformations of the epic genre; parody); Hellenistic literature (mainly of the 'comic mode': epic and philosophical parody); 'dinner' literature/material culture of the ancient world; Old comedy; Reception within antiquity.

She is the author of the book Solon of Athens: The Poetic Fragments, Brill Academic Publishers 2010, and of many articles in international journals and conference proceedings. She has co-edited, with Marco Fantuzzi, the volume Solone: frammenti dell' opera poetica, Biblioteca Universale 2001, with Gregory Nagy the volume Solon in the Making: The Early Reception in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries, De Gruyter 2014, and with Flora Manakidou, ΑΡΧΟΜ’ ΑΕΙΔΕΙΝ. Δεκατρείς Μελέτες για τους Αρχαίους Ελληνικούς Ύμνους, Dardanos Publishers 2018.

Κωδικός Τίτλος Πιστωτικές μονάδες Αίθουσα
GREEK 143 ANCIENT GREEK POETRY I (oral examination) 12 ECTS



1.   Solon of Athens: The Poetic Fragments, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden- Boston 2010, pp. xiv+579.

Βιβλιοκρισίες: Chr. Flament, Les Études Classiques 78.4 (2010) 386-387, D.E. Gerber, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.05.05, A. Aloni, Classical World 106 (2012) 133-135, W. Schmitz, Sehepunkte 13.9 (2013), S. Caciagli, Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 142.1 (2014) 182-185.

A2. Co-edited Volumes

1. Solone: frammenti dell' opera poeticaIntroduzione e commento di M. Noussia, con una premessa di H. Maehler. Traduzione dal greco dei frammenti di Solone, dall' inglese dell' introduzione e del commento di M. Noussia e della premessa di H. Maehler a cura di M. Fantuzzi, Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli (Milan 2001), pp. 400.

Βιβλιοκρισίες: G. Ieranò, Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica, 78, 2004, 159-63, O. Vox, Quaderni di Storia, 55, 2002, 284-90, J. Pòrtulas, Synthesis 9, 2002, 132-34, L. Battezzato, Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica, 129.3, 2001, 315-24; G. Agosti, Semicerchio 28, 2003, 59-60; M.A. Rigoni, Corriere della Sera, 16.6.2001, 31, M. Menghi, Il Sole-24 ore, 27.5.2001, IV, Δ. Ιακώβ, ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ ΤΗΣ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗΣ 16.9.2001, 32-3.

2. Solon in the Making: The Early Reception in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries. Together with G. Nagy. Berlin-New York; De Gruyter 2015, pp. 171.

3. ΑΡΧΟΜ’ ΑΕΙΔΕΙΝ . Δεκατρείς Μελέτες για τους Αρχαίους Ελληνικούς Ύμνους. Together with F.P. Manakidou. Athens, Dardanos 2018, pp. 463.

B1. Articles

1. “The Profession of the Physician (Solon fr. 1.57-66 Gent.-Pr.2=13.57-66 W.2)”, Eikasmos 10 (1999) 9-20.

2. “Solon’s Symposium (frr. 32-4 and 36 Gent.-Prato2 = 38-40 and 41 West2)”, CQ 51.2 (2001) 353-359.

3. “The Language of Tyranny in Cratinus, PCG 258”, PCPhS=CCJ 49 (2003) 74-88.

4. “A Scenario for the Portrayal of the Monster Geryon in Stesichorus’ Geryoneis”, Trends in Classics 5.2 (2013) 234-259. 

5. “Η σημασία του ασήμαντου: ο νέος πλούτος των Κυνικών”. Πλάτων 60 (2015) 270-286. 

6. “The Politics of Food in the Early Cynics”, Food & History 13.1-3 (2015) 197-211. 

7. “Redefining Use, Expenditure and Exchange of Private Wealth: The Socratic Model, Antisthenes and the Cynics”, Gaia 19 (2016) 319-333

B2. Chapters in Collected Volumes, Encyclopedias, Proceedings of Conferences

8. “Olympus, the Sky, and the History of the Text of Homer”. In F. Montanari

(ed.), Atti del Congresso Internazionale ‘Omero Tremila Anni Dopo’, Genova, 6-8

Luglio 2000 (Rome 2002) 489-503.

Reviewed: M. Alden, CR 54.2 (2004) 278-81; M. Finkelberg, BMCR 2005.09.75; F. Biondi, AION (filol.) 28 (2006) 159-65; M.P. Castiglioni and F. Létoublon, Gaia 8 (2004) 220-235.

9. “parodia e filosofia in Cratete Tebano”. In R. Pretagostini-E. Dettori (ed.), La cultura ellenistica: l'opera letteraria e l'esegesi antica (Rome 2004) 127-135.

10. “La Nekyia di Platone e di Cratete Tebano”. In M. Vetta-C. Catenacci (eds.), I

luoghi e la poesia nella Grecia antica (Alessandria 2006) 279-293.

Reviewed: S. Kaczko, RFIC 135 (2007) 352-365.

11. “Strategies of Persuasion in Solon's Elegies”. In J. Blok & A. Lardinois (eds.),

Solon of Athens. New Historical and Philological Approaches (Leiden 2006) 134-156.

Reviewed: B.M. Lavelle, BMCR 2007.04.26.

12. “Fragments of Cynic 'Tragedy'”. In M.A. Harder, R.F. Regtuit & G.C. Wakker

(eds.), Beyond the Canon (Hellenistica Groningana XI, Leuven 2006) 185-203.

Reviewed: C. De Stefani, BMCR 2007.11.17.

13. “La preghiera del filosofo: Cratete Tebano, SH 359”. In R. Pretagostini & E. Dettori (eds.), La cultura letteraria ellenistica. Persistenza, innovazione, trasmissione. Rome, 19-21 September 2005 (Rome 2007) 125-139.

14. “Hellenistic Philosophical Poetry”. In F.P. Manakidou-K. Spanoudakis (eds.), Alexandrian Muse (Athens 2008) 501-544.

15. “Lo stile 'semplice' di Tirteo?”. In P. Chiron and C. Lévy (eds.), Les Noms du

Style dans l'Antiquité gréco-latine, Deuxième et Troisième Journées d' Étude, Paris IV (12 mais 2005), Paris XII (13 Mai 2005). Leuven, Bibliothèque d’Études Classiques 57 (2010) 11-24.

16. “The Epic Cycle, Stesichorus and Ibycus”. In M. Fantuzzi-C. Tsagalis (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to the Cyclic Epic (Cambridge University Press 2015), 365-382.

17. “Introduction”. In G. Nagy & M. Noussia-Fantuzzi (eds.), Solon in the Making: The Early Reception in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries (Berlin-New York, De Gruyter 2015) (together with G. Nagy), 1-7.

18. “Solon in Tragedy”. In G. Nagy & M. Noussia-Fantuzzi (eds.), Solon in the Making: The Early Reception in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries (Berlin-New York, De Gruyter 2015), 43-65.

19. “ ‘Lyric’ Atmosphere in Apollonius Rhodius and Callimachus (With an Analysis of Theocritus 18)”, in E. Sistakou (ed.), Hellenistic Lyricism (Berlin 2017) 248-280.

20. “Philosophical Poetic Hymns to Abstractions and their position in the development of the genre” (together with E.E. Nousia). In F.P. Μanakidou-Μ. Νoussia-Fantuzzi (eds.), ΑΡΧΟΜΑΕΙΔΕΙΝ . Thirteen Essays for the Greek Hymns (Athens, Dardanos Publishing House 2018) 339-384.

21. “Introduction”. In F.P. Μanakidou-Μ. Νoussia-Fantuzzi (eds.), ΑΡΧΟΜΑΕΙΔΕΙΝ . Thirteen Essays for the Greek Hymns (Athens, Dardanos Publishing House 2018), together with F.P. Manakidou, 13-41.

22. “Elegy”. In L. Swift (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Greek Lyric (forthcoming 2019; 7,500 words).

23. “The Poetics and Politics of Vision and Visualization in Tyrtaeus and Alcman”. In C. Carey & A. Petkovic (eds.), GrecoRoman Poetics. Proceedings of the Conference “The Poetics Conference”, Belgrade 4-8 Oct. 2010 (volume under review)

24. “A Cure for Love. Resisting Eros in Early Cynic Philosophy and Poetry”. In M. Perale (ed.), Hellenistic Poetry Before Callimachus. An Enquiry Into Two Lost Generations (Liverpool, 14-15 June 2016) (CUP forthcoming 2019).

25. “Post-Homeric Hexameter”, in J. Lidov & A. Becker (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Metrics, with M. Fantuzzi (OUP, forthcoming 2018).

26. “The Code ‘Help Friends/Harm Enemies’ and the Socratic Tradition”, in Friendship in Ancient Greek Literature (Brill Academic Publishers forthcoming 2019).

27. “The Interplay of Tyrtaeus and Callinus With the Homeric Poems”, in L. Doherty and G.A. Gazis (eds.), Brill Companion to the Reception of Homer in Archaic and Classical Poetry (Brill, forthcoming 2019).

28. “Cynic Tragedy”. In H. Roisman (ed.), Encyclopedia of Greek Tragedy (Wiley-Blackwell 2013) 262-264.

29. Commentary on Crates of Thebes, frs. 347, 351, 359. In D. Sider (ed.), Hellenistic Poetry: A Selection, Ann Arbor: UMich Press 2017) 561-571.

30. “CHIEN”. In J.-P. Guez, F. Klein, J. Peigney and Év. Prieux, eds. Dictionnaires des images du poétique. Classiques Garnier 2019 (submitted).

31.“MORSURE”. In J.-P. Guez, F. Klein, J. Peigney and Év. Prieux, eds. Dictionnaires des images du poétique. Classiques Garnier 2019 (submitted).

32. “Seafaring and the Reception of (Some) Archaic Greek Lyric Poetry”. In L. Käppel et al. (επιμ.), Mediterranean Connections (Leiden υπό έκδοση) 

B3. Reviews

1. D. Clayman, Timon of Phlius, de Gruyter. Classical World 104.4 (2011) 521-23.

2. B. Acosta-Hughes, C. Cusset, Y. Durbec and D. Pralon (eds.). Homère revisité: parodie et humour dans les réécritures homériques. Presses universitaires de Franche- Comté. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.12.46

3. L. Lulli, Narrare in distici: l'elegia greca arcaica e classica di argomento storico- mitico. Quaderni dei seminari romani di cultura greca 13. Rome: Quasar, 2011. Journal of Hellenic Studies 133 (2013) 1-2.

4. S. Caciagli, Poeti e Società. Comunicazione poetica e formazioni sociali nella lesbo del VII/VI secolo a.C. Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert, 2011. Classical Review 64.2 (2014).

B4. Translations from English and Italian

1. M. Fantuzzi & R. Pretagostini, “Αναζητώντας τη μέθοδο. Σύντομες σκέψεις για την ιστορία της κλασικής  φιλολογίας στην Ιταλία μέσα από τα επιστημονικά περιοδικά. Στο A. Ρεγκάκος (εκδ.), Νεκρά  Γράμματα: Οι κλασικές σπουδές στον 21ο αιώνα (Αθήνα 2001) 115-25.

2. M. Fantuzzi-R. Hunter, Muse e modelli (Rome-Bari, Laterza 2002): Κεφάλαια 1: “Occasioni di performance e generi letterari”, 6: “Stili epici, ma non troppo”, 7: “L’epigramma” (Αθήνα 2005).

3. N.J. Richardson, The Iliad: A Commentary. Volume VI: books 21-24 (Cambridge1993), (Θεσσαλονίκη 2005).

4. Ελεγεία και Ίαμβος. 21 Μελέτες (together with L. Athanassaki and A. Kavoulaki, eds. University of Crete Press).

Β5. Conferences (Last 10 Years only)

Feb. 2009                   
“On Some Aspects of Solon’s Reuse and Reception”. In The

New York Classical Club Winter Conference Co-sponsored by the Classics Department of NYU “Reading Greek and Roman Elegy”, New York University, 28 Feb. 2009.

Μay 2009
Koros and Perverse Banqueting from Homer to Aeschylus”,  University of Bari, 27 May 2009.

Oct. 2010
 “Accounting for Morals and Values in Fifth-Century Athens”. Tytus Colloquium, Univ. of Cincinnati, 20 Oct. 2010.

Νοv. 2011
“Some Points on the Cynic Ideology of Eating”. In “L’imaginaire de l’alimentation humaine en Grèce ancienne”, Tours, 24-25 Νοv. 2011.

Oct. 2011
Ethos and Pathos in Tyrtaeus”. In “Greek and Roman Poetics” Belgrade University, University College London, and the Institute of Classical Studies, Belgrade 4-8 Oct. 2011.

Μay 2013
 “Lo sguardo del poeta lirico: percezione visiva in Tirteo ed Alcmane”. Bologna, 29-30 May 2013.

May 2014
“The Significance of the Insignificant: The New Wealth of the Cynics”. In “Social Values in Greek Literature”, Univ, of Peloponnese, Κalamata, 27-30 May 2014.

July 2014
 “Communicating Cynicism: The Play of Fragments and Texts in Crates of Thebes”. In “Song Regained: Greek Epic and Lyric Fragments from the Archaic to the Imperial Era”, University College London and King’s College London, UCL, 2-4 July 2014

June 2016
“Pre-Hellenistic Poetics of Curing Love”. In “Hellenistic Poetry Before Callimachus”, University of Liverpool, 14-15  June 2016

Nov. 2018
“ Σαπφώ και Αλκαίος: Έρωτας και πόλεμος στην αρχαϊκή Μυτιλήνη”, Teloglion Foundation of Art, 21 Νοv. 2018.

Μarch 2019
“Seafaring and the Reception of (Some) Archaic Greek Lyric Poetry”, Keynote speaker. Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 15,000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes VI. “INTERNATIONAL OPEN WORKSHOP 2019. Kiel University, 11-16 March 2019.